Is it Time for a Website Redesign
If your website looks outdated, your sale conversions are decreasing and you keep getting complaints about user experience, it is probably time to redesign your website!
Redesigning your website is about updating your site’s content, refining your layouts, and improving user experience to generate more sale conversions while keeping customers coming back for more.
However, keep in mind that website redesign not only improves your website looks but it’s also a great strategy to rebrand your business or launch a new product while optimising your website up to its full potential.
Do I still need a website if I have quality content? Yes!
Even if you think your website has enough credible content to attract customers to your site, the reality is, you could be losing potential customers and visitors over time if your website lacks excitement, and its navigation tools aren’t functional anymore.
Nobody enjoys navigating a dull website regardless of its content.
People are drawn by visuals naturally; studies have shown that people make unconscious judgments on a product within 90 seconds of the initial viewing and 62% to 90% of this judgment is based only on colour.
Therefore, if done well, a website redesign can instantly boost your credibility content, improve navigation, and enhance the front entrance of your website to ensure that when visitors arrive for the first time, they will settle in to stay.
SEO – Search Engine Optimisation
A website redesign is all about strategy.
Working with a SEO website redesign company to maximise the benefits of the redesign while considering risk mitigation is a key factor to success.
Many agencies often forget about risk mitigation, and that alone can be a huge blow to your potential conversions and the connections you already have with your customers.
At OneWordConnects we treat your business as our own and your website is our priority.
From the moment you connect with us, our website professionals will commence a strategic plan and audit of your website to generate a well-planned renovation process to avoid any downfalls to your business success.
Before we get started with your website redesign, there are crucial steps we must follow to guarantee that all upgrades work on your favour.
First, analysing your current website is fundamental to identify the areas that need changing while maintaining the standards your customers are already used to.
Our Search Engine Optimisation experts will then evaluate your current data and conversions to determine performance and implement improvements in the redesign process.
Redesign to Maximise UX
What is an UX redesign and how can it benefit my business?
UX design is a process that can determine the future of your website and the connection you have with your existing and new customers.
When revamping your website, user experience design is an excellent tool to offer a great user experience while maintaining loyalty through usability and engagement on your site.
Adopting this approach before redesigning your website will also maximise revenue opportunities, optimise resources, development time and costs, get more insights from user engagement and reduce troubleshooting and unnecessary costs.
We will also develop a (UCD) user-centred design to deepen our understanding of your target audience and modify it if we notice you are generating more conversions from other demographics you perhaps didn’t consider in your initial marketing strategy.
This will also involve the process of responsive website design which is a design that easily adapts to user behaviour regardless of the screen size and platform.
Studies have shown that about 50% of the world is currently surfing the web through a mobile phone, so if your website currently doesn’t have an innovative layout for smart devices, you are missing out on a huge gap of connections and of course, sale conversions.
Lastly, time to create a timeline! This will help us organise how we want you to accomplish your goals in the most realistic manner.
While your website might take time to redesign, the outcome will be worth the wait.
Why OneWord Connects for my Website Redesign
We are responsive, reliable, reasonable in prices and will reassure your success!
The sole purpose of our services is to connect your website (products and services) with the right client and to assist your business to grow and streamline.
You can be confident knowing your website redesigning process will be carefully developed by professionals committed to obtain the results you want and more.
Whether you want to work closely with us during the transition of your website or give us the full control to do what we do best, the outcome will be just as good.
OneWord Connects is here to empower you to control the future of your business.
Get started with a free consultation today and let us show you all the benefits your business can have by redesigning your outdated website.
Contact us by phone or send us an email to arrange a meeting with our OneWord Connects team.